
To help ensure we provide responsive health care to support carers, we would like to know if you are a carer and put you on our register. Please complete the New Registration form to identify new patients ,or complete carers referral form.

Carers Support Policy

If you are a carer, you might find it difficult to access our services without extra support.

If you identify yourself as a carer, our staff will try to offer you:

  1. Home visits and/or telephone appointments if caring responsibilities mean you cannot leave the person you care for at home or bring them with you to the surgery.
  2. Flexibility or priority on appointment times where possible.
  3. Support for the person you care for in the waiting room or a private area if you need to bring them to the surgery but would like an appointment in private.
  4. Information about local carers support services which may be able to arrange transport and/or sitting services to help you leave home to attend surgery.
  5. Telephone ordering for prescriptions where possible.
  6. An annual health check and a flu jab.
  7. Information about your right to a Carers’ Assessment of your own needs as a carer.
  8. Advice on safer lifting and other aspects of providing care such as medication.
  9. Discussing with you what you would like us to do in the event of you or the person you care for having a medical or other emergency.

Our Carers Lead is: Manny Sihota

Please contact them if you have any queries about our support for carers –
they will be happy to help and treat the conversation in strictest confidence.

Coventry Carers Support

Coventry Carers Support offer a telephone helpline – 024 7610 1040 – manned Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm and 10:00 am to 2:00pm on Saturdays.

Visit for more information

Young Carers

Young carers are people aged between 5 and 18 years old who have a responsibility for looking after or helping someone else to look after a person who has a disability, a long term illness, mental health illness, or someone addicted to drugs or alcohol. Carers Trust  can help you  by listening to you when you want to talk, giving you information and advice, arrange trips and activities to give you a break from your caring responsibilities and support you through any troubles you may have in school (if the problems are because you are caring for someone)

Visit for more information.

Please click here to download Carer’s Identification and Referral Form.