Harmed or neglected

By | September 26, 2016

What should I do if I think a child or young person is being harmed?

You can always ask for advice from Children’s Social Care if you are not sure about a situation.

Speak to our staff or GP

How do I contact someone if I am concerned about a child or young person?


If a child is in immediate danger or left alone, you should contact the police on 0345 113 5000 or, call 999 in an emergency.

Police Child Abuse Investigation Unit: 024 7653 9044.

Social worker (out of office hours): 024 7683 2222.


If there is no immediate danger or you need advice or information, you should call the Referral and Assessment Service on 024 7678 8555.

Advice and information

If you want to discuss your concerns or need advice e.g. if you are not sure whether your concerns are justified, you would like more information about issues like confidentiality or you would like to know what happens next (after you have reported your concerns), do one of the following:

Call Child line on 0800 1111

Call the NSPCC Helpline on 0808 800 5000