Medical Records Access

By | March 3, 2023

Access my medical records

This section gives information about how you can make use of the surgery’s services. It gives details of what to do in an emergency, telephone consultations and prescriptions, as well as blood tests and test results.

If there is something unclear in any of these sections, please contact your surgery for more information.

All patients aged 16 years and over can request on-line access to your medical records. This works in a similar way to on-line banking and in order to request this you be asked to provide specific identification. You will need to provide:

  • A current valid photo ID – driving licence, passport
  • Current proof of your registered address

You will need to present in person to the surgery and one of our administration team will confirm your details so that we can allow access. You will receive notification of a log on and password which you will be able to update once you have verified your details. Please remember to keep your details safely as the surgery cannot be held responsible for any information accessed outside the surgery system.

Third Party access to your medical records
Your medical records can only be accessed by those health professionals providing your care and the staff associated with providing the administrative support to do so. All external requests for access to records must be accompanied by a signed authority form the patient or their parent/legal guardian in order for the surgery to release the information. There are a few legal situations where ensuring the safety of the individual/wider society may override this right of confidentiality. Please speak to the practice manager for more information.