Local Patient Participation Report

By | April 7, 2015

Meeting Jan 2024 




Local Patient Participation Report

This report summarises the development and outcomes of George Eliot’s Patient Reference Group (PRG) in 2014/15.

It contains:


  1. Profile of the practice population and PRG
  2. The process used to recruit to our PRG
  3. The priorities for the survey and how they were agreed them.
  4. The method and results of the Patient Survey
  5. The action plan that was agreed and how it was agreed
  6. The progress made with the action plan
  7. Confirmation of our opening times


  1. Profile of the practice population and PRG


Our practice has a population of 2554 patients. We are situated on the Foleshill Road in Coventry. This is the 4th most deprived area in England and is registered as a Marmot City.

Our population consists of many different religions, including Sikhs, Muslims and Hindus.

We do not look after Nursing Homes, so generally we have a mixed age population.

Last year our Patient Participation Group asked us to have open appointments so that it gave an opportunity for the patients to see the GP/ Practice Nurse on the same day. We tried this for the majority of the year. The data showed that many of the patients actually wanted appointments that were pre booked as they didn’t want to wait in the open clinic.

Therefore after meeting the PPG, we agreed to change back to set appointments.

  1. The process used to recruit to our PRG


In order to recruit to our patient panel we had to ask our receptionists to ask patients when they attended to see the GP/ Practice Nurse/Midwife.

This was very difficult for us as many of the patient’s did not understand English.

We were able to recruit from the different religions which were useful so that they were able to communicate information to others.

Information about the group was displayed in the waiting room.

  1. The priorities for the survey and how they were agreed them.


In order to determine the priorities for the survey we asked the PPG what they felt that the surgery should focus on this year.  Many of our patients do not have computers and are also unable to understand English as their first language.

  1. The PPG decided to ask feedback on the pilot that we had in the surgery, this was: Dietician advising on diabetes control, speaking in different languages to help patients understand its importance. Also to relate to their religious needs and their different celebrations.
  2. Appointments in the surgery and availability of the GP/ Nurse.




4.The method and results of the patient survey

The method we used was to ask our PPG to ask patient’s in the waiting room on a number of different occasions. We did try and send this questionnaire to them, however we did not get a good response ( see questionnaire) We also had this available in different languages.


  1. The action plan that was agreed and how it was agreed


We met on the following dates in the year:


September 4th


January 12th

February 12th


  1. The progress made with the action plan


The summary of the progress as of 31 March 2012 is: You Said.. We did.. The result is..
You no longer wanted in walk in clinics, more time wanted for planned appointments]  






You like the dietician and wanted her to become part

Of the dietician service as

There is nothing in Coventry

To help the Asian Diabetic

We changed around the appointments, Morning appointments with GP/ Nurse every day and also pm appointments with GP/ Nurse. Plus walk in emergencies. 


Went to the CCG and asked for this to become part of the new diabetic service.

We plan to do another questionnaire and review again next year. Patients happy with the new arrangements so far. 





This model was put forward and was short listed in the NHS Innovation awards. Patients made a short video for the CCG both in English and Punjabi.